Have you ever felt an unbalance between you and your masculine and feminine energies? Have you ever felt afraid to step out of one and into the other? How do the qualities of the feminine and the masculine manifest in your life authentically?
In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis speaks about harmonizing your inner dance and her guide to balancing masculine and feminine energies for lasting well-being.
- Personal reflection
- Becoming aware of society’s preferences
- Do you allow yourself moments of true expression?
Personal reflection
The feminine and masculine energies are yin and yang. They are not inherently gender-based, but represent states of mind and being that every person can tap into to help them navigate their lives, decisions, and relationships.
It’s a journey of self-discovery that we’re all on and recognizing these imbalances is the first step towards achieving harmony.
lisa Lewis
Do you sometimes feel stuck in either feeling too emotional and easily overwhelmed, or at other times more aggressive or assertive? These two qualities can be at odds with one another if they are not intentionally balanced by you and your actions.
Becoming aware of society’s preferences
Over the last couple of decades and even centuries, more assertive or aggressive qualities have been praised or desired more so than emotional or sensitive ones.
In this modern society, these preferences or biases can cause people to lean on their more masculine side and ignore or suppress their feminine one.
Just because the overall society prefers it does not mean that it is inherently correct, or better for you to do.
In your quiet moments of reflection, consider times when embracing your assertive side was necessary. How did it serve you? And how can you continue to honor and express this energy authentically?
Lisa Lewis
You get to choose – and you should choose for yourself – how these energies are expressed in ways that feel authentic to who you are and which values you hold dear.
Do you allow yourself moments of true expression?
In terms of feminine energy, many women and men may struggle to engage and be within it. Do you allow yourself moments of sensitivity and receptivity?
Intuition, receptivity and empathy. How do these qualities manifest in your life? Have you allowed yourself moments of receptivity or intuition, or do you find yourself constantly in the state of action and doing? Reflecting on these aspects can guide you to a more balanced state.
Lisa Lewis
Typically, masculine energy is more action-based, and feminine energy is more receptive. If you feel stuck in one energy and are seeking to find balance, take small actions to reach a central point between the two.
For example, if you are stuck in indecisiveness, try a body workout or go for a walk. This is a small masculine energy that can take you out of a stuck feminine energy.
Or, if you are struggling with aggression or frustration, take a moment to be quiet and breathe deeply, not acting, but feeling. This small feminine energy practice removes you from the grips of masculine energy that won’t let up.
Approach this journey with self-compassion. We’re not striving for perfection but seeking a harmonious blend of our unique energies. Embrace the ebb and flow, acknowledging that some days may lean more towards one energy than the other.
Lisa Lewis
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So you’ve been told that you’re “too sensitive” and perhaps you replay situations in your head. Wondering if you said something wrong? You’re like a sponge, taking in every word, reading all situations. Internalizing different energies, but you’re not sure what to do with all of this information. You’re also not the only one asking yourself, “am I ok?” Lisa Lewis is here to tell you, “It’s totally ok to feel this way.”
Join Lisa, a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as she hosts her, Am I Ok? Podcast. With over 20 years of education, training, and life experience, she specializes in helping individuals with issues related to being an empath and a highly sensitive person.
Society, and possibly your own experiences, may have turned your thinking of yourself as being a highly sensitive person into something negative. Yet, in reality, it is something that you can – and should – take ownership of. It’s the sixth sense to fully embrace, which you can harness to make positive changes in your life and in the lives of others.
This may all sound somewhat abstract, but on the Am I Ok? Podcast, Lisa shares practical tips and advice you can easily apply to your own life. Lisa has worked with adults from various backgrounds and different kinds of empaths, and she’s excited to help you better connect with yourself. Are you ready to start your journey?