How to Accelerate Your Bucket List with Lisa Sakai | Ep 87
Do you have goals and dreams that you want to achieve but keep putting off due to financial constraints? Do you feel stuck between what you want to do and what you feel you “should” do? Are you perhaps a financial perfectionist? In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis...
How a Spiritual Pilgrimage Can Change the Trajectory of Your Life with Kathleen Donnelly Israel | Ep 86
Can walking lead to emotional or spiritual breakthroughs? How does being in nature and out in the world cleanse your spirit? What can you do to redirect your life’s path after a stressful or painful life event? In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis speaks about how a...
How to Thrive as a Mom Without a Mom with Melissa Reilly | Ep 85
Are you a mother without a mother? Why is guilt often present in motherhood? How can you build your community of strong, supportive women? In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis speaks about how to thrive as a mom without a mom with Melissa Reilly. MEET MELISSA REILLY...
The Future of Psychedelic Medicine with Matt Zemon | Ep 84
Why is the stigma around psychedelic medicine wrong and outdated? How can psychedelic medicine lead to powerful and positive life changes? What do psychedelic medicines do that traditional prescription pills cannot? In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis speaks about the...
How to Heal From Childhood Emotional Neglect with Danielle Bernock | Ep 83
When should you test the waters and try to heal a strained but hopeful relationship with a family member? Why is emotional neglect often generational? What does it mean and look like to love yourself? In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis speaks about how to heal from...
Why Sexual Power is the Highway to Your Fulfilling Life with Fanny Leboulanger | Ep 82
How can you create a ripple effect of positive change in your community? What is your relationship like with your sensual, creative side? Have you ever felt shamed out of getting to know your sexual energy? In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis speaks about why sexual...
Self-Soothing Practices for Nervous System Regulation with Chris McDonald | Ep 81
How can a highly sensitive person benefit from holistic counseling? Are you thinking about going to therapy for the first time? What are some quick self-regulation tools that you can use anytime, anywhere to bring yourself back to a level of calmness and peace? In...
How to Be A Champion of Change and Vulnerability with Dai Manuel | Ep 80
What is your relationship like with change in your life? Do you find yourself avoiding change or embracing it? How do you incorporate vulnerability into your life? In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis speaks about how to be a champion of change and vulnerability with...
Demystifying Mental Health and Addiction with Stephan Neff | Ep 79
Do you feel connected to yourself and your inner, deeper feelings? Have you struggled with some addictive behaviours? Will you work on your recovery or your relapse? In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis speaks about demystifying mental health and addiction with Stephan...